Sales Prospecting Best Practices

In the challenging realm of sales, prospecting often stands out as one of the most demanding tasks. Surveys indicate that over 40% of salespeople find prospecting to be the most difficult part of the entire sales process, closely followed by closing and qualifying. Navigating the intricacies of prospecting requires a diversified approach involving various processes, activities, and skills to maximize the generation of high-quality leads. In this guide, we will walk you through some best practices in sales prospecting, transforming what may seem like a daunting process into a seamless and productive one.

1. Use Emotional Triggers

Tapping into the emotional triggers of your target buyers is a proven best practice in sales prospecting. Benjamin Dennehy, known as the UK’s “most hated trainer,” emphasizes the importance of building an emotional connection before pitching to prospects. Utilize emotional triggers to break free from the endless cycle of preparation and engage your audience through various marketing channels. Common emotional triggers include:

  • FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): Example - "Most companies in your industry are already using influencer marketing and seeing increased sales; are you looking to train your marketing team?"
  • Status: Example - "Is your office furniture outdated? We have furniture to make you look more professional."
  • Time: Example - "Instead of spending hours uploading files to your database manually, use our service and get back more time in your work day."

2. Get Contact Details and Company Intel with a Prospecting Tool

Streamline your prospecting process by using a reliable tool. Bruxt, a B2B contact provider, offers accurate contact details and firmographics. This tool eliminates the need for multiple prospecting and email finder extensions, providing direct email addresses, cell phone numbers, and essential company intel like revenue and industry. Enhance your efficiency by saving contacts and information directly to your CRM.

3. Keep Your Pipeline Fresh with the '30-day Rule'

Ensure the vitality of your sales pipeline by adhering to the '30-day rule.' According to Jeb Blount, author of 'Fanatical Prospecting,' dedicating thirty days to prospecting yields results within the next three months. Recognize the importance of consistent efforts in bringing in qualified leads regularly. Even with extended B2B sales cycles, maintaining a steady pace of prospecting is crucial to avoiding revenue gaps.

4. Prospect Daily with Time-Blocking

Implement time-blocking to prioritize high-value tasks, such as sales prospecting. Reserve specific time slots for activities like cold calls, focusing solely on the task at hand without distractions. Use this dedicated time to prioritize your lead list, distinguishing between leads that require more effort and those that can be quickly qualified. By making the most of every minute, you optimize your prospecting efforts.

5. Look Closer to Home

Revisit old leads that haven't converted into sales; they may still hold value. Utilize bulk-enrichment tools to update contact details and firmographics for leads sitting in your CRM. Identify opportunities internally before seeking external prospects. Even after years, updated information ensures that reconnection efforts are well-informed and relevant.

6. Focus on Quality of Prospects, Not Quantity

Quality surpasses quantity in the prospecting game. Rather than chasing uninterested leads, identify your ideal customer profile. Analyze current customers to develop Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs) and use them to source prospects. Consider factors like budget, industry vertical, company size, and legality to refine your prospecting efforts.

7. Create a Stronger Lead Qualifying System

Lead qualification is paramount in preventing unqualified leads from clogging your pipeline. Utilize a reliable lead enrichment tool to gather accurate firmographics and demographics. Establish a comprehensive lead-scoring system between marketing and sales to ensure alignment and prevent the transfer of unqualified leads. Collaboration is key for effective lead qualification.

8. Heat Those Cold Calls Up

Despite the debate around the effectiveness of cold calls, they remain a valuable prospecting method. Research companies and prospects beforehand to demonstrate the value of your product during the call. Bruxt’s Intent signals can provide insights into a company's active search for solutions, offering a tailored approach to cold calling. Cold calls, when well-prepared, expedite the transition from strangers to trusted colleagues.

9. Become a Thought Leader

Establishing thought leadership enhances credibility and trust. Regularly share insights on platforms like LinkedIn to engage prospects at every stage of the funnel. Decision-makers appreciate thought-provoking content that challenges industry norms. Thought leadership not only builds awareness but also positions you as a credible figure, increasing familiarity and trust when making initial contact.

10. Social Media is a Must

Social media plays a crucial role in modern prospecting. Schedule posts consistently, personalize outreach messages, and test different approaches on various platforms. Narrow your target audience using filters like job role and geographic location. Actively leverage social media to find, research, and interact with prospective customers, optimizing your prospecting methods.

11. Use Your Expertise to Answer Q&A Forums

Participate in online forums such as Quora, Reddit, Facebook Groups, and LinkedIn Groups to find prospects. Educate your audience on industry best practices and your product. Answer questions with a clear next step, directing readers to relevant resources. Engaging in forums not only generates traffic but also helps source qualified prospects.

12. Ask for Referrals

Referrals remain one of the most reliable prospecting methods. Leverage satisfied customers for referrals, capitalizing on the trust they've built. Referrals instill confidence between salesperson and prospect, expediting the sales pipeline. Referral-driven prospects are more likely to be receptive, simplifying the outreach process.

13. Keep Following Up

Follow-ups are essential to prevent potential customers from falling through the cracks. Establish a follow-up cadence, persistently keeping prospects informed at each stage of the sales cycle. Allocate dedicated time daily for follow-ups, maintaining a balance between persistence and professionalism. Consistent follow-ups significantly impact prospect engagement.

14. Remember Prospecting Never Ends

Prospecting is an ongoing process, not a one-time task. The business landscape evolves, and customer needs change. Adapt your prospecting strategy accordingly. Regularly revisit and refine your approach based on feedback, performance data, and market trends. A dynamic prospecting strategy ensures that you stay ahead of the curve and maintain a consistent flow of quality leads.


Sales prospecting is an ever-evolving discipline that demands adaptability and perseverance. By implementing these best practices, you can transform your prospecting efforts into a strategic, efficient, and rewarding process. Remember, the heart of successful prospecting lies in understanding your audience, leveraging the right tools, and staying committed to continuous improvement. As you embark on this prospecting journey, integrate these practices into your daily routine, and watch as your pipeline thrives with qualified leads.


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